Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Know the difference: Power Steering vs. Roof Hydraulic Oil

Roof Hydraulic Oil
Made especially for convertible roofs.  The consistency of the fluid is much thinner than the regular hydraulic fluid and it is more suitable for lower temperatures, as opposed to power steering fluid.  The oil should also be able to withstand the colder temperatures it will be exposed to.

Power Steering Oil
The working fluid is still a means for pressure to be transmitted however power steering systems operate much closer to the engine and their rotary vane pumps reach much higher temperatures.

Although they’re both still hydraulic fluids with similar properties using any oil other than the one intended for a specific purpose is dangerous and can lead to failure.  Furthermore, you’re jeopardising the lifespan of your vehicle components.  Don’t be careless and use the right oil.

ALNO Hydraulic Oil is formulated with your roof hose in mind, you can buy it online.


1 comment:

  1. Alno offer a fist class services when it comes to getting you roof working again

    Lorraine kelly
    Goodwood SA
