Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Second Hand Shipping Containers to Astra Roof Latches

We are interested in hearing from Astra convertible owners or previous owners

That purchased latches from the Brisbane Company that has shut opened, shut opened and shut they where trading from Gumtree, the Trading post and Ebay.

Or we are not sure if they made sales from ebay.

One customer said that they were selling second hand shipping containers at one stage

He could not understand how they went from selling shipping containers to selling astra parts

One customer suggested that they found a load of Chinese Aluminium blocks in a shipping container


Their process of replacing the split bearings with deep groove bearings

Is coming home to roost

We are now seeing all types of trouble with these latches - excessive wear and tear on unusual parts of the roof

Many of the customers cannot get in contact with the company as they have moved and changed phone numbers

If you have had that experience please e-mail




  1. I purchased a set of roof latches from Rob in HEMMANT .... he told me my bearing was cracked and i need a new bearing ....... now i read that all the latches have split bearings they are not cracked they are manufactured that way....

    After replacing my latches and latch bearing my roof motor wore out i'm just wondering if any one else has had the same problems ?

    Broadway NSW

  2. Ken
    From what we understand you are not the first or the last ...... tell us has your roof start to rust ?
