Planning to buy an Astra Convertible with a broken Roof
Generally fixing an Astra roof can be quite cost effective in most cases, yet in other cases we mechanics or back yard operators have touch pull or push parts of the roof to get them moving and have failed or caused more damage.
Other factors to consider in terms of how long the roof will last once it has been repaired can come down to :
- The number of previous owners of the car, when there is a new owner then the convertible roof gets a complete work out for the next six months or until winter arrives
- Past maintenance have the replacement parts been fully engineering or patched back together. We have seen instances of the split bearing being replaced with roller bearing which has resulted in the more physical force to open and close the latches. Furthermore we have seen many cases of corrosion or rust where steel and Aluminum have been bonded together without treating raw material post machining. We have seen extensive rust in the front of the roof structure in which a certifying engineer put down to untreated Aluminum in a set off roof latches
- The number of time the roof has been open in total as any or ever mechanical system wears or or cheaper parts are design to be replaced
- Intervals between roof opens as in some cases number of times the roof has been known to effect the reliability of the roof system that not enough opening and to many opening can effect the ongoing functionally of the Astra convertible roof system
In many cases replacing the latches does not always fix your convertible roof in choosing a parts supplier what is important to you cheap imported parts or a supplier that offers
The team at ALNO offer a professional service for more information for your Astra Convertible