Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Astra convertible roof mechanics

We have just been informed by one of Astra convertible roof mechanics that another bad batch of Aluminum blocks to suit Astra convertible roof latches have arrived from China.

The supplier now offering them is based in the Brisbane suburbs

They have recently moved address and from all reports the roof open three times after driving the car from the operators place of business.

Then just stops working

We would encourage people to speak up and publish the details when these doggy operators take your hard earn cash and not care to assist when things go wrong......

When you can get in touch with them they tell you to go to Holden or Hose doctor to resolve these issues ... blaming everything except the Chinese made latches

 Replacing these Chinese made Aluminium blocks is the only way to solve the issues that occur with latches jamming and hydraulic hoses blowing.

Claiming that latches are assembled in Brisbane with parts that are manufactured in China does not make the parts Australian made.

In the past three months ALNO Product Services have assisted Holden Dealers, the General Public and a number of mechanics by fully reconditioning the complete latches that have had the bad aluminium blocks.

These new operators seem to be just after a quick buck.

They don't answer the phone when you call them to buy latches imagine what happens when you call them to tell the latches have stopped working.

From the clients we have assisted not one of them have been able to contact the supplier by phone once that latches stopped working and in one instance a client flew from Adelaide Brisbane to explain the problem as the supplier would not answer the phone

It can be hard to track down a business that keeps moving from place to place but one of our suppliers have tracked them down

To assist you in get your roof working with or with out bad aluminium blocks from the china / Brisbane operator contact ALNO Product Services