ALNO Product Services offers a complete roof service
On some occasions when fitting roof latches or Hydraulic hose the roof can sometimes stop working or it starts and stops you push the button and then it starts again.
Is the issue Hydraulic or is it electrical?
The team at ALNO Product Services assist customers get there roof moving again.
This week ending the team at ALNO Product Services assisted in getting 7 Astra convertible roofs moving again.
These cars are great to drive that is if you have looked after your car and that means caring for your roof.
The roof really needs to opened monthly, just to keep the parts moving, even if you have the plastic parts fitted in your latches.
If you are expecting these cars to have there roof closed for six months and then you want to open it, you are expecting disappointment. It is also a good idea to open the roof when you are at home or not in a hurry if it has been a period of time when the roof has not been opened.
I imagine that in many cases people are reading this after the roof has broken or they are a mechanic looking at advice on how to get a roof moving again.
Today ALNO Product Services are pricing sets of latches at $1650 & Hydraulic Hose is selling for $575 both prices include delivery across Australia and along with fitting advice.
Please note these prices are valid now and do change from time to time it is best to use them as a reference or call ALNO product Services to get an up to date price.
Over the past year we have assisted a 45 year old single mother in
Adelaide and a 75 year old man in Brisbane fit latches. One does not need to be a rocket scientist or a Holden Qualified Mechanic to fit these parts with the right advice.
Adelaide and a 75 year old man in Brisbane fit latches. One does not need to be a rocket scientist or a Holden Qualified Mechanic to fit these parts with the right advice.
Some blog sites have suggested that bolting these latches is a solution to solving a latching problem and yes it can work for a period. On the other hand when you think about this in terms of engineering how can 2 bolts and some glue hold a a few pieces of plastic together when a solid piece of plastic cannot last in some cases longer than 3-4 years?
for more information about ALNO Product Services